A Condition More Contagious & Deadly Than Any Other
By Kara Ranck
As I gaze outside my door, I witness spring going about its
annual rituals. A glance outside, tells me all is well with the world as birds
fly, flowers grow, grass greens, and the glorious sun shines upon it all. Yet,
a glance at my calendar tells me our rituals and routines are anything but
normal. Unlike my open house door, the church doors, school doors, store doors,
restaurant doors, entertainment doors, and other people’s house doors remain
closed. And for good reason. There is a virus spreading, infecting, weakening,
and sometimes taking lives. Even if the virus doesn’t take up residence in us,
it still touches our lives psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
We are all affected.
Though I am not a true introvert or extrovert, I fall out of
balance if my scale tips to the extreme of always at home or always away. I
like to maintain a routine somewhere in between—a little at home mixed with a
little time away. Right now my scale is out of balance, and I’m guessing yours
is too. But being at home has made me come to realize that many times going
away is a tactic I use to distract myself. As my good friend said about being
at home, “I am constantly bumping up against my own sinfulness and
selfishness.” And isn’t she right? Isn’t that the real issue? When I can’t get
away, I can’t distract myself from my sin and self. It surrounds me like the
four walls of my home and makes me claustrophobic.
At home, I see the symptoms I can usually hide or ignore
when I’m in public. I am easily impatient and frustrated with my child when
they pile Legos in the doorway for the umpteenth time. Or angry because they
messed up my routine—again. Anxious because all my people are yelling for help
from me at once. Fearful because my child makes unsafe choices. Angry again
because I need to stop what I am doing to discipline for the same thing I’ve given
a time-out for three times today.
The thing is when our calendars are full we overlook or
stuff down the symptoms of a disease we are all infected with. This pathogen is
more prevalent than any other for it infects us all, and its mortality rate is
extremely high. And like Covid-19, it affects us even if it doesn’t claim our
lives. We all have the “genetic mutation” of sin. When Adam and Eve chose to
disobey God their creator in the garden, sin entered our bodies and our world
(Genesis 2-3). We spread the disease to every offspring from then until the
last day. It affects every aspect of our lives and weakens our minds, souls,
and bodies. We always carry symptoms of this illness, although we learn to mask
them as we mature. This pathogen leads to slow, painful death (Romans 6:23).
But there is hope. Like a vaccine that builds antibodies and
protects our bodies from the virus, we gain a defense against sin when Jesus,
the sinless son of God, enters our lives. In Mark 2:17, “Jesus told them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners’.” He took our sickness upon himself and
destroyed the power of the pathogen (Isaiah 53:4-5). Its presence still affects
our lives, but it no longer has power over us. In the moments where sin’s
symptoms are unmasked, we can turn to our Rescuer and claim his word which is
living and active to fight against that persistent disease (Hebrews 4:12). Over
time, our healing takes place. Slowly but ever so surely. And one day, our body
will be free from the virus and the harm it’s caused forever (Revelation
Friend, this long stay at home will reveal the symptoms of
sin we’ve been hiding. When it does, run to the one with the cure. Ignoring our
symptoms will lead to death. Take hold of the hope in front of you.